Beach Rules & Tips
“The Law of the Land”
Even in paradise, there are few rules. Fortunately, at Higgins Beach, there aren’t too many of them.
There is No Parking on any street year round except in the spaces designated for parking on Bayview.
Summer Dog Rules
From May 15 to Labor Day: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. no dogs on beach; from sunrise to 9 a.m. dogs ok on leash or voice control; after 5 p.m. to sunset dogs ok only on leash. Look for posted red signs indicating restricted areas.
From April 1 to Labor Day, dogs are not allowed in restricted beach area between Champion Street and the Spurwink River.
Off-Season Dog Rules
From after Labor Day to May 14: on leash between 1-3 p.m. Dogs ok all other hours on voice control.
No Surfing 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., June 15 to Sept 15.
And remember, the beach doesn’t clean itself… Please pick up after your pets and carry out your trash!
No Alcohol
Alcohol is prohibited on ALL beaches.
Camping is prohibited on ALL beaches. No tents, shacks, or any other temporary shelters for the purpose of overnight camping is allowed.
Dune Grass
The sand dunes and grass are protected under Maine state law. Please stay off the dunes as they are fragile and important for wildlife and preventing beach erosion.
Fireworks, Fires & Grills
Fireworks, open flames, fires, grills and charcoal are prohibited on all Scarborough beaches.
Horses and horseback riding are prohibited on Higgins Beach.
Use of all tobacco or cannabis products is strictly prohibited at all town beaches except in designated areas.
All trash is carry in and carry out. There are barrels located at beach access points and public parking lots.
Striper Regulations
Download the latest State of Maine Striped Bass Regulations (PDF)
We Support Maine Healthy Beaches

Let’s Keep Maine Beaches Healthy: We’re all in this together and Higgins Beach deserves our respect and protection. Please pitch in and carry out what you carry in.
Check out the Higgins Beach Status and Data and learn more about Maine Healthy Beaches.